A fair point, and actually my own kids and I tend to focus more on a strategy of "you can't affect what others do, you can only change your reaction to it"--because that's just better for our anxiety.
That said, I do think we have a responsibility for all of us to look at and think about our economic surroundings. Not least because it is going to take FOREVER for the Boomers to die off. I don't mean that badly. But in the meantime they are going to use a lot of resources, particularly in the health care area. That's fine, I don't begrudge it. But at least understand where those resources are coming from and how taking a lot of them leaves fewer for everyone else.
Thank you for the reminder about getting things in order. My parents were spectacular about planning for their own old age and demise; I give them full props. That's why I think they're capable of looking at and understanding how this society "works."