Are you kidding me with this? If I see this as the rationale for Medium cutting pub editorial support one more time, I WILL LOSE MY SHIT. What kind of dysfunctional relationship is this? I have no idea what my beloved wants or why he'll reward me with just a few of his personal billion dollars--or a few of his multi-million-venture-capital raised dollars--but I'm just going to keep giving him my best and hope he randomly throws a treat my way. I also don't care if that means that he treats all his other beloveds MORE crappy, as long as I get my little treat.
I mean, thank you for your different viewpoint and of course you have every right to offer it. If it's any consolation, I don't think Medium is the problem. I think the attitude that a "zero sum game" is really the optimal system for any of us in business, life, or relationships, is the problem. Maybe because I never assume I'm going to be the gainer in any zero-sum contest.