Boo, hiss, is all I can say to this. :)
I get a kick out of all the young and unmarried and unkidded and unparented (by that I mean they're not yet helping take care of their parents) guys writing here--once I asked one little entrepreneur how he got his health insurance and he chirped, "I buy it on the open market!" Well, bully for you, 25-year-old male with no dependents. Come talk to me about that open market in 20 years.
I do realize that people might write under pseudonyms to protect people they are writing about, and I totally get that. I try very hard not to use my family's actual names in my writing.
I am so glad you write about stories that are close to you, even if they are crushing. I personally find writing is the only thing that helps me process events and relationships. I hope it helps you too. And I wish you the very best of luck in all your writing and life endeavors.