I agree with many of your points. I might quibble with terms like "self-interest," because that looks different to different people, but overall, yes, many Trump voters are as unyielding and unwilling to compromise as you state.
I think I felt compelled to write this because we are at a point in history where we seem to be moving beyond the "mass media"--which has not actually looked great thus far for better understanding (Facebook, ugh), but maybe now is a time to literally step back to the individual level. When you can, accept the ridiculousness of being called a snowflake, and just try to de-escalate the situation by asking questions and then listening. Don't even press your point. I'm most likely an idiot for hoping it, but I think there are individuals who can be worked with--perhaps by asking how their candidate, whoever that is, makes them feel, and why--sometimes you don't have to understand the other person. But maybe, just maybe, if that person feels you tried to understand them, without immediately working to sell them on your point of view--they might take a step toward you.
Yeah, that's a long, slow path. But it's different, and I feel we're at the point when something different is called for.