I could spend a lot of time trying to refute this but I perceive that you have decided what I'm about and what I'm saying and nothing I say at this point will make much difference.
I wanted to respect Boomers enough to think they could hear how some of them are sometimes perceived--because those perceptions and our reactions to them clearly impact our communications with one another. I went and re-read the talking with Boomers piece and all I can say is I really did try to write something different from the regular "hit pieces" on Boomers. I didn't even say Boomers had to stop talking; my big suggestion was that they simply add listening ("I need you to take more of an interest in listening to them in addition to talking.")
The housing issue is a bigger discussion but please know I want people, all people, to have the housing they need. But I also want people, all people, to pay attention to the housing that all people currently do or don't have and why that might be.
For better or for worse, there is clearly a segment of the population that resents Boomers (and women, and black people, and immigrants, and [insert group here]). Doesn't make it right, but that resentment exists. Why? How do we either make a society more just, or how do we help people to feel less personal resentment and fear, which to me seems to be at the heart of most of our problems? Those are the subjects I want to explore. I clearly need to do a more nuanced job of doing that.
Thank you for the comments.