It was really not meant as a Boomer hate piece; thank you for getting that.
Every generation gets picked on for something--we Gen X'ers have been called slackers from day one, and people seem disproportionately angry at Millennials for things like avocado toast--so I think we all need to say, yeah, you got me, and then move on into solutions.
I can't help but feel that something has gone very deeply wrong with the "American dream" because I did everything right--stayed out of trouble, got educated, worked multiple jobs my entire school career--and I got lucky with good health, and it is still nearly impossible to achieve a middle-class lifestyle. My husband and I laugh--we're the first in our families to get college degrees--we thought we'd get to enjoy being part of the middle class for a minute, and maybe help our kids--but it's rough. And only going to be rougher for our little ones.
Everybody may have unbelievable tech and phones--but it's not making anyone happier, healthier, or putting them in a house. Unless, of course, you are a high-level tech bro.