I've had the good fortune to mostly avoid work where I had to take these sorts of tests. I'll always think they're dumb. Last one I took was an IQ test that got me the job--if I wanted it. I didn't.
It's kind of like the not wanting to belong to any club that would have you as a member thing. Standardized tests have always thought I'm smart, so they give me a laugh. And I don't say that from a place of poor confidence. I say it from a place of honesty. Or maybe from a place that recognizes that I'd give up any amount of smart to be extroverted, in terms of cash and happiness values.
I humbly submit most personalities are not like yours (isn't INTJ one of the rarer types?). You seem like a person who knows yourself well. Maybe it is a hallmark of the INTJ type that for you, the tests are more accurate. :)