Kerala, thanks for reading and for commenting. I very much enjoy everything of yours that I read and am honored you are commenting here.
The weird thing is I kinda wish I COULD farm. Even after everything I said. Sometimes if I'm at a market or a store where they're selling carrots or potatoes with dirt on them, I'll catch a whiff and it'll take me right back to smelling our carrots and potatoes in our root cellar, how good it felt to put them there and know they were there and to be cozy and tired after a day of hard work. I almost swoon with my overwhelming desire to be the kind of person who could farm. But it is....just so hard.
I'm all for trying to grow a few things, consume less, investigate different ways of living. And I can't become an armed religious fundamentalist either. I don't know what the answer is, honestly. Good luck to you however this all works out, friend.