That's really kind, thanks.
For what it's worth I always look at your "let me be your algorithm" list--that's actually way more useful to me than subscribing to lots of individual writers. Your list is like browsing a library or bookstore--love it.
Part of it with me is app and tech fatigue--I hate downloading apps. HATE IT. I also don't read on my phone, really, I still carry books around. :) And I can't really afford to subscribe to too many things, I'll lose track and then I won't even remember which subscriptions to cancel.
It's kind of a lot, as you can see.
I totally agree Medium is circling the drain. Too bad. I'll miss the civilized comments sections. If you want the truth I honestly think we've reached and blown past peak tech--the point when it was helpful and helped us do lots of neat things. Not it's just going to be money extraction, consolidating insane billionaire power, and anarchy where photos and videos can no longer even be trusted as evidence. Really looking forward to the future, if you can't tell.