Thank you for reading.
I understand your points. Please understand that a lot of what I write is specifically aimed AT Baby Boomers, not to get them to change their ways, but to get them to LOOK at what is going on.
3BR or 2000sf, it doesn't matter. Most generations younger than the Boomers cannot OWN a home, freestanding or condo or owned apartment, and that is a problem. It creates a permanent underclass in thrall to landlords and private equity.
I totally know that most people in nursing homes are of the Silent Generation and older, which is precisely why another drum I beat relentlessly is the one that tells people that all of the younger people waiting for Baby Boomers to die off and hand over their money is not going to happen for decades.
As long as people still have this idea that everyone is happy with Boomers staying in their nice owned homes while all the "young kids" (who are not young anymore) rent tiny expensive apartments and that is just the natural order of things, nothing is going to change for the better and nobody is going to have new ideas about what housing can and should look like.