Thank you so much for this comment.
I suppose every generation feels put upon at some point by its elders, but I agree with you, I do think Gen X have been the first to have the world change dramatically right in the middle of their education/career, and also we are the first generation whose parents are really reaping the heart meds and other health care changes of the second half of the twentieth century.
I am so sorry your mother wasn't more loving and you feel that still. My mother and I were extremely close and still it is hard to see her continuing to live even though she is unhappy, due to macular degeneration and the loss of her independence. She also had a stroke and went on all the meds; even after coming off many of them her body is so strong I despair.
I wish you the very best of health and peace for yourself--and good for you for doing the work of not passing the crap on to your children. We're trying not to do that as well.