Thanks for reading, and for the comment.
There's a lot of different names for the generations. This chart lists different names, but gives the age ranges I'm talking about. I believe your mother and father-in-law might have qualified as "Greatest Generation" or WWII, and you're right, many of them have passed.
My mother, who is 87, is smack dab in the middle of what this chart calls "postwar," but which I've seen listed elsewhere as the Silents. Age range from 79 to 96. And from the census bureau/Pew research I've read there are still 20 million of them alive. They are mostly the people in my mother's care home--many of them are older than her, in their 90s--and even if there are "only" 20 million of them, it is definitely taking medical system and care facility resources to care for them. (Which I absolutely do not begrudge. But it has to be talked about.)